Game Suggestions

Just a few Ideas of games you can play with your friends, family or even colleagues!

Name that tune?

This game is fun for anyone who loves music but may not be able to sing!

See who can guess popular Christmas songs first in this Christmas name that tune game.

The first NO-L

Teams compete to be able to come up with items in different categories... that don’t have the letter L.

It’s harder than it looks and very funny watching others try and figure out things that work while the time is running down!


Where players have to act out Christmas words and get their team to guess them before the time runs out.

Reindeer Ring Toss

Obviously, not involving a real reindeer! You know those inflatable hats... get one where you pretend to be a reindeer and get others to throw rings and see if they land on the antlers!

Christmas Memory Game

Pick eight Christmas images (ex. gift, Santa, snow, etc), draw/print two of each, so you'll have a total of sixteen cards. Now place cards on the table in a 4x4 layout. Each player gets a chance to pick a card, then try to find the match. When a player finds the match, they keep it, get a point and get to try for another match. Play until someone reaches the predetermined amount of points to win.

Blindfold Christmas Drawing

First, grab some paper plates and markers. Players are blindfolded and hold their paper plate on top of their head. One person gives drawing instructions while everyone else tries to draw the Christmas scene they describe onto the plate. The most accurate drawing wins! 

Pin the nose on Rudolph!

Draw (or print out a picture) of Rudolph and place it on the wall. And get a red circular piece of paper (for his nose) with a thumbtack or piece of tape. Then blindfold the participant, spin them in a circle, then have them try to pin the nose on Rudolph. Mark their attempt with their name. Give everyone a chance to pin the nose and whoever pins it most accurately, wins.

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