Vale schools welcome positive inspection reports

VOG Council

Two schools in the Eastern Vale have received positive reports from Estyn inspectors.

Evenlode Primary School in Penarth was described in a new report as a 'best practice' example for self-evaluation.

Estyn also singled out Whitmore High School in Barry for how it implements provision for children with additional learning needs (ALN).


Evenlode Primary School, Penarth

Inspectors visiting Evenlode Primary last July noted that recent changes had been key towards the school's "culture of reflection".

These included the controverisal merger with the nearby Bute College nursery, which went ahead in September 2022 despite local opposition.

Two years ago, calls for greater involvement with the school led to the launch of a dedicated parents forum, which meets up with senior leaders and the Vice Chair of Governors every half-term to discuss the school's work.

Further to this, the headteacher has introduced new assessment proceedures which sees teachers meet up with leaders to reflect on practice and outcomes twice a term.

The school has also taken measures to become actively anti-racist - with changes made to its humanities curriculum and the resources available to support learning.

It was also involved in two arts projects exploring the themes of celebration, identity and belonging through dance - with plans in place to get parents and governors involved.

Philisophical enquiry has also been introduced as an approach for the entire school, allowing pupils to explore big ideas and design their own questions for learning - ensuring they are "ethically informed" citizens.

Evenlode has also shared its curriculum and anti-racism work with other schools and Vale Council through cluster meetings.

Cllr Rhiannon Birch, cabinet member for education, said: "This report is excellent news for Evenlode Primary, indicating it is one of the leading lights when it comes to self-evaluation."

"To be highlighted as a school exhibiting best practice is even more impressive given the significant changes that have taken place over the last couple of years."

"Estyn reported that the revamping of the school's age range, leadership and approach has actually helped achieve these standards and that is fantastic to hear."

"I'd like to pass on my personal congratulations to headteacher Ruth Foster and all the staff for the hard work that has led to this extremely positive feedback."

The Estyn report made two recommmendations - calling for improvements to pupils' skills in speaking Welsh, which was said to be not progressing quickly enough.

It also wants more opportunities for pupils to use their mathmatics and numeracy skills independently.

Whitmore High School, Barry

Estyn inspectors said Whitmore High School - which opened in 2021 - was particularly effective in how it prepares education material for ALN pupils.

All teachers prepare class 'rationale' documents for each teaching group, including information about the pupils' current and expected attainment, as well as setting out strategies on supporting each ALN pupil in each class.

According to their report: "These strategies are drawn from a range of sources including pupils' IDPs and one-page profiles. Class rationale documents are quality assured by leaders at the school to evaluate the planned strategies."

Whitmore's leadership also felt that immediate verbal feedback for pupils "fosters a dynamic learning environment" with teachers using whiteboards and visualisers to encourage participation.

Estyn said: "This approach helps personalise instruction from the teacher because they can tailor feedback to meet the individual needs of each pupil. The school has identified an increase in pupils' confidence and motivation due to the timely recognition of pupils' efforts and achievements."

Staff were also recognised for how they responded to the need for a life skills programme for Whitmore's ALN pupils - with specialist co-ordinators working alongside families to identify what skills pupils need to live independently.

"The school recognises that these skills are as important as those skills traditionally learned in school. This ensures that pupils are progressing in every area of their life and allows them the best chance of achieving their life goals", the report adds.

Praise was also reserved for how the school uses its outdoor spaces, including a log cabin, polytunnel, raised beds and a potting shed.

Pupils working towards a 'Learning in the Outoors' qualification have their garden produce used within the school's weekly baking and cooking sessions.

Cllr Rhiannon Birch said: "This is an excellent report which demonstrates that Whitmore High is leading the way among main steam schools when it comes to provision for pupils with Additional Learning Needs."

"It recognises the innovative approaches adopted at the school, including specialist teaching techniques and productive classrooms environments."

"The school combines academic studies with life skills and practical experiences that will be vital to pupils when they leave Whitmore and enter the wider world."

"Congratulations to all involved for setting these standards and for the fantastic feedback contained in this assessment."

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